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Grub, Grub…Glorious Grub

We are pleased to announce that the teaser clip from our short film, Grub, is now online and ready for your perusal!

Grub is a short film we have been developing. It follows the life of an orphaned insect, discovered as a dark and mysterious egg.  Once hatched, the young grub ventures out into the city, an insect world reminiscent of a decaying and poverty stricken Dickensian London. The story unfolds as he naively morphs into insect society, revealing his place in the food chain.

We have so far made just the one scene, via the powers of Partizan Lab, and we’re now looking for funding to make the full 9 minutes so please pass on to all those you know who might be interested… or anyone you like for that matter!

Link here:

Many thanks to all those who made the development possible:

Producer: Henry Scholfield Production Manager: Julie Crosbie

Character Models & Animation: Matt Ewbank, Josh Fourt-Wells Set Build: Naweed Khan, Paul McGeoch

Lighting & Rendering: Duncan Burch, Gavin Lester (Lumiere Studios) Music: Erik Wedin (Soundset)

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